The Angels of Venice – Dates

Well, some of you lucky people have your copies already whilst I’m still waiting to see mine. Which means no unboxing video this year. Although, given what happened last year, that’s probably a good thing.

Anyway, Caroline and I are heading back to the UK tomorrow to see friends and family and – huzzah – to do a few events as well. The last two Nathan novels came out during lockdown and so this will be my first chance to actually, properly celebrate the arrival of a new book since The Venetian Masquerade came out waaaay back in 2019.

One of nicest things about the past few years has been re-establising contact with my old friend James Oswald. James and I first met in Amersfoort in the Netherlands, thirty years ago now and, sadly, lost touch after James and Barbara came to our wedding in 2000. Lovely, then, to meet up with him again, by sheer coincidence, at Bloody Scotland in 2019. Well, I say sheer coincidence. It was in the bar, so perhaps not quite as sheer as all that.

He has many, many stories about me. Some of which may even be repeatable. But to have the chance of hearing some of them, you’ll have to come and see us both in conversation, either in Edinburgh or Dundee.

So here are the dates.

Monday, July 18th, 19.00 : Waterstones, York
Tuesday, July 19th, 18.00 : Waterstones, Edinburgh West End (with James)
Wednesday, July 20th, 17.00 : Waterstones, Dundee (with James)
Tuesday, July 26th, 18.30 : Waterstones, Swansea

Hoping to see you there! If you can’t, well I never pass a bookshop without asking to sign stock, so I’ll be tweeting those shops with signed copies.

It’s going to be a busy couple of weeks and much of it is going to be spent on the train. Many thanks to Jess at Little, Brown for organising all this and, of course, Caroline for dealing with the logistics of it all. It would, frankly, have been well beyond me.

And, of course, many thanks to all of you for all the messages and all your support. It means a great deal. I hope you enjoy the new book!

11 thoughts on “The Angels of Venice – Dates

  1. Philip Hope the book tour is a runaway success!! You may see at least one, possibly two, family members, including my granddaughter, at your Swansea event! I’ve sent strong hints to them about acquiring a signed copy for me…

    They don’t know my Twitter handle so I’ll have to give them a heads up😀

    All the very best, Cassandra (aka Winnie)

    Sent from Winifred’s Ipad.


      1. Hi Val! I’d love to come to Manchester. It’s just that – when organising these things – signings always tend to be placed around bookshops where I have an existing relationship, or where they’ve specifically asked if I’d be interested. As I said, I’d love to do Manchester – I had some very happy times working there twenty years ago – so if you’d like me to visit, the best way to make it happen would be to have a word with the staff next time you’re there. Next year, I hope!


  2. Alas we can’t get to any of these venues. Is it not possible for you to ever come to Manchester. That would be brilliant. Meantime we’ll have to make do with buying your book. My friend and I are really into them and enjoy them so much. So thank you

    Yours sincerely Val Knight

    Sent from my iPad



  3. I may be confused, but it seems to me that while this one takes place in the past (2019), the previous ones took place in the near future.


    1. I see the series (short stories apart) as beginning in 2014 with “The Venetian Game” and moving forward from there. “The Venetian Masquerade”, for example, needs to be set in 2017 because of the Monteverdi anniversary. So hope that helps!


      1. I see; thanks. I seemed to remember a reference to the covid pandemic (as a thing of the past) in the next to last installment, but I am now unable to find it—and in any case I trust you, of course! That must have been some other book, by some other author.


  4. Loving the Angels of Venice.
    Perfect atmosphere for someone reading it in Sydney, where we have just had our third once in 100 year flood in just a few months. It was quite moving to read how your characters responded to their situation.
    Thank you for your very entertaining books.


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